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Surge in Anti Malarial drug litigation

A deluge of proceedings against the Defence Forces is pending arising out of the prescription of Lariam as a drug of first, as against last resort by way an anti malarial medication.
The drug was withdrawn from the Irish market in 2016 but concerns regarding its significant and adverse affects long pre-dated that.
The soldiers are relying on the argument that the drug was “known to be very toxic” and was administered in a way “that falls well below the standards that we might expect a drug to be prescribed under”.
Side effects described include headaches, nightmares, mood swings, insomnia, anxiety and depression.
Lariam was prescribed in Ireland for a long number of years until 2016 and not just by the Defence Forces. GPs and other medical practitioners prescribed this medication for the likes of holidays to far flung destinations where there was a risk of malaria.
If the argument that it should be a drug of last resort is accepted, what does this mean for the general public who were prescribed this medication for their holidays and the like, who suffered similar effects? There may well be a case to answer in this regard.
Sonya Morrissy Murphy, Litigation Manager and Solicitor at Keating Connolly Sellors, specialising in personal injury, medical negligence and professional negligence cases can be contacted at [email protected] or by telephone on +353 (0)61 414 355 or +353 (0)61 414 353.
The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or other professional advice. We advise people to always seek specific expert advice for their individual circumstances.


Published On: May 21, 2018

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