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Road Traffic Accidents in Housing Estates

The issue of road safety in recent years has been high on the political agenda.

A variety of factors have contributed to improvement in road safety, for example new speed limits, maintenance standards in the form of NCTs, tougher drink driving laws and penalty points system.

However of the 197 lives lost on Irish roads in 2014, 14 were children under the age of 15. In fact, it has been reported that 3 times as many children died in 2014 as in 2013.

Following the tragic death of Jake Brennan on 12th June 2014, Jake’s mother, Roseann Brennan lobbied the government to introduce mandatory speed limits of 20kph in housing estates, with her ‘Jakes law’ campaign.

Transport Minister, Paschal Donohoe has been accused trampling on Jakes legacy by failing to implement a mandatory blanket speed limit as according to his department it would be too difficult to implement. The Minister has left the issue of speed limits in housing estates to the discretion of Local Authorities. The Minister pledged €2m to help Local Authorities introduce speed limits.

It is argued that the Minister has not gone far enough to protect the safety of children in housing estates.




Published On: February 5, 2016

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